What is the Behavioral Intervention Team?
The Behavioral Intervention Team, or BIT, at Porterville College is a group of staff members from various departments across campus who meet regularly to address behavioral concerns that include:
The BIT's goal is to successfully engage support and minimize the concerns associated with sutdents in distress. Accomplishing these goals requires a coordinated institutional response that includes all members of the college community.
Vice President of Student Services (chair)
Student Services Director
Human Resources Manager
Safety and Security Program Manager
DRC Counselor
Mental Wellness Counselor
Faculty Member, Instruction
The Behavioral Intervention Team provides proactive assessment and early intervention to individuals who are exhibiting concerning behaviors, to both support students and assist faulty/staff. The team is committed to ensuring community wellness and safety to the campus community by providing an environment where individuals are free to work and learn in a safe and supportive environment.
You can access your documents here: BIT Document Cloud Storage.