The purpose of the Grant Oversight Subcommittee, a subcommittee under the Budget Subcommittee, is to identify the needs of the college and match those needs to available grants. In addition, the Grant Oversight Subcommittee will collaborate with the Budget Subcommittee to ensure that the college has the resources available that are necessary to manage grants in the event they are awarded. The Grant Oversight Subcommittee will scrutinize closely the feasibility of sustaining and/or institutionalizing grant activities.
The Grant Oversight Subcommittee is NOT responsible for the writing of grants, which largely occurs through those interested in pursuing one in a certain area. Rather, the group exists to advise applicants through the process and to provide recommendations to the Budget Subcommittee regarding potential grant applications.
The group will:
2 from Administration:
1 Budget Analyst (Chair)
1 Administrator (designated by the President)
1 Representative from Institutional Research office
2 Faculty at Large (chosen by Academic Senate President, faculty representation from the Budget Subcommittee is preferred)
2 Classified (appointed by CSEA, classified representation from the Budget Subcommittee is preferred)