1. Oversee the creation, implementation, and maintenance of college activity under the Guided Pathways framework
2. Organize or participate in college outreach events and communications and promote academic programs to the college service area
3. Develop integrated marketing, communication, and public relations strategies and messaging within the college and service area
4. Initiate or cultivate strategic partnerships between the college and the community to promote college programs
5. Work with area high schools to create awareness of the college’s Academic and Career Pathways, degrees, and certificates
6. Develop and implement strategies to improve the onboarding and registration process for new students
7. Develop and implement strategies to reduce student course repetition and drop rates and promote student persistence
8. Create opportunities for students to interact with faculty and community experts in their areas of interest
9. Establish clear local definitions and measures of student success
10. Analyze college-, pathway-, program-, and course-level data for student success and equity to identify trends and areas requiring further strategic focus
11. Identify obstacles to student success and develop and implement actions to address and remove obstacles
12. Develop long term action plans and interventions for improving student success with equity
13. Initiate or participate in campus-wide discussions or evaluations of data in relation to assessments of institutional effectiveness and college strategic initiatives
14. Propose, develop, or support initiatives that improve instructional effectiveness and high-impact teaching-and-learning strategies
15. Propose, develop, or support initiatives that improve student awareness of student support services
16. Propose, develop, or support initiatives that improve faculty awareness of faculty support services
17. Organize or support events that promote transfer institutions and an understanding of the transfer process
18. Organize or support events that promote workforce opportunities and an understanding of workforce needs and preparation to enter the workforce
1. Improved cross-program, cross-division, and cross-college communication
2. Improved strategic utilization of data for program evaluation
3. Increased community presence and community awareness of college programs and student opportunities
4. Increased high school awareness of college’s programs and student opportunities
5. Increased early use of student educational plans
6. Improved course completion rates
7. Improved first-year student retention/persistence
8. Reduced time to graduation
9. Reduced units at graduation
10. Improved graduation rates
11. Improved transfer rates
12. Increased workforce partnerships
13. Increased college enrollments
1. All agenda items must come to the Co-Chairs of the committee.
2. All agenda items on which action is taken are forwarded to the College Council.
3. The deadline for submitting agenda items is one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
4. If a decision needs to be made at a regularly scheduled meeting, the majority vote will be the final recommendation to the College Council. If an unscheduled special meeting is called, a minimum of 50% plus 1- committee members must be present.
Meetings of the full committee are to be held once per month, in the first week of the month. Subsets of members within the committee, detailed below, will be held in subsequent weeks each month, according to the following schedule: Week 2 - Outreach & Onboarding Team, Week 3 – Data Team, Week 4 – Pathway Teams.
Regular and special meetings of the full committee shall be called or canceled by at least one of the co-chairs. The co- chairs should include one administrator (appointed by the College President) and one faculty member (appointed by the Academic Senate President). Meetings of the subset teams shall be called or canceled by their respective leads, but only after informing the committee Co-Chairs.
Dean, Student Success and Counseling
Director, Communications and Community Relations
Director, Institutional Research
Area Deans for each pathway
Administrative Co-Chair (appointed by the College President)............. Primavera Arvizu
Faculty Co-Chair (appointed by the Academic Senate President)......... Robert Simpkins
Administrative Assistant/Classified Staff (Secretary, non-voting)................ Jodie Logan
Dean, Instruction...................................................................... Michelle Miller-Galaz
Dean, Instruction........................................................................... Osvaldo Del Valle
Dean, Student Success and Counseling............................................... Erin Wingfield
Associate Dean, Health Careers............................................................ Kim Behrens
Director, Institutional Research............................................................ Michael Carley
Director, Communications and Community Relations................................ Roger Perez
Director, Enrollment Services*........................................................ Jonathan Miranda
Director, Equity & Student Success*.............................................. Ricardo Marmolejo
Director, Financial Aid*....................................................................... Tiffany Haynes
Director, Title V*................................................................................ Reagen Dozier
Director, Athletics*................................................................................... Joe Cascio
JEC Center Program Coordinator (or related position)*........................................ TBA
Faculty Pathway Leads (appointed by the Academic Senate President).......................
......................................................................................................... Jeffrey Jacobs
.................................................................................................... Stephanie Cortez
......................................................................................................... Ethan Hartsell
....................................................................................................... Denise Jackson
Counselor Pathway Leads (appointed by the Academic Senate President)...................
..................................................................................................... Christine Okialda
.................................................................................................. Katherine Figueroa
.......................................................................................................... Ana Ceballos
...................................................................................................... Leah Camarena
Educational Advisors (appointed by CSEA)...............................................................
...................................................................................................... Jackie Escareno
....................................................................................................... Antonio Salazar
........................................................................................... Rosaura Ceballos Baca
........................................................................................................ Cody Ridenour
Student Peer Mentors....................................................................................... TBA
*These individuals may designate another individual from their area to serve in their place with agreement of the committee Co-Chairs.