Scholarship and Awards

About the Committee

To provide a system for the distribution of scholarship funds to Porterville College students.  The committee is responsible for holding the annual scholarship and awards ceremony.

  1. Through the Financial Aid and Foundation Offices, to widely advertise the availability of all scholarships and supply appropriate applications.
  3. In coordination with the Financial Aid and Foundation Offices, develop and maintain on file written criteria for each scholarship or award available.
  5. Collect applications for scholarships from students and references from faculty.
  6. Meet and confer in order to select scholarship and award recipients.
  7. Make all arrangements necessary to finance and produce the Annual Scholarship and Awards Ceremony.


  • ** Director of Enrollment Services-Erin Cruz
  • ** Assistant Director Financial Aid (designee chair in Directors absence)- Tiffany Haynes
  • Foundation Administrative Secretary- Carol Thornburg


  • Career & Technical Education- Craig Britton
  • Fine and Applied Arts- Muriel Josten
  • Careers- Terry Bady
  • Health, Physical Education & Recreation- Dave Kavern
  • Language Arts- Carrin Blyth
  • Natural Science & Mathematics- Shaunna Callison
  • Social Science- VACANT
  • Student Learning Services- Kongming Mouanoutoua
  • Classified Representative- Judy Fallert

Total Membership: 12


  •  ** Chair- Erin Cruz
  • Recorder- Tiffany Haynes
  • Secretary- Carol Thornburg



  1. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members including the chair.
  2. A vote will be taken on all matters requiring a vote, and the chair shall cast a deciding vote in all votes ending in a tie.


The committee chair will develop the agenda.


  •  * One faculty member selected from each Division: 8
  • Classified Representative:1
  • ** Director of Enrollment Services– Chair (non-voting): 1       
  • ** Assistant Director Financial Aid (non-voting): 1
  • Foundation Administrative Secretary (non-voting): 1

Total Membership: 12

 ** or designee


The Director of Enrollment Services shall serve as the chair in a non-voting capacity. The Assistant Director Financial Aid (** designee in the Directors absence) and the Foundation Administrative Secretary shall serve as the recorder and secretary, respectively, in a non-voting capacity. 

* If a division chooses not to be represented, the committee shall request the Academic Senate to select a faculty member from the faculty-at-large to fill the vacant position

Meeting Times

Meetings are to be held as needed beyond the minimum of one meeting per semester. The committee chair shall call regular and special meetings.



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