
Welcome to PC Committees!

Hello and welcome! You've reached the web site containing all of the committees for Porterville College.

Documents for college-wide committee structure and management.

A source of updates related to AB705 Implementation at Porterville College. 


The Academic Senate is an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters.

Meetings, documents, and resources related to accreditation

Documents and meetings for the Basic Skills Initiative Committee

The Behavioral Intervention Team, or BIT, at Porterville College serves as the centralized coordinated body for discussion and action regarding students exhibiting behaviors that indicate distress, cause of disturbance in the community, and/or present a danger to oneself or others. Committed to proactive, early intervention, the BIT supports students directly through consultation with campus partners.

The Budget Committee is a Sub-Committee of the College Council (CC). The Budget Sub-Committee has the responsibility for coordinating budget planning in a manner that assists the institution in effectively utilizing its fiscal resources in the pursuit of the college mission. 

Holds advisory committee minutes and agendas 

The general charge of the College Council (CC) is to coordinate and communicate the college-wide planning, budgeting, and reporting processes.  The Council also reviews the various proposals and/or recommendations from the various constituents to provide the highest quality learning services to our students and communities served by the College.

The Curriculum Committee reviews and recommends courses and programs functioning under policies and procedures set by the academic senate (through either primary advice to or mutual agreement with the board). The board approves courses and programs recommended directly by the curriculum committee and with the assurance of the academic senate that established policies and procedures have been reviewed and followed. The Board of Governors has final approval for educational programs passed by the KCCD Board. The role of the Curriculum Committee is specified in Title 5 in the area of recommending courses and programs in the curriculum. However, other duties may be assigned to the committee as part of the shared governance structure of the college.  

The charge of the Porterville College Data Team is to do in depth analysis of all college data, with a special emphasis on data focusing on student success  and equity. The team analyzes various data and reports compiled by the College and the District, and by other sources, and provides recommendations to the Success & Equity Sub-Committee and other groups across the College for actions to improve student success and institutional effectiveness.

The Distance Education Committee addresses all matters that affect distance education classes, services, and programs operated by the college, and reports on those matters to the Academic Senate.

Dual Enrollment Coordinating Council documents and meetings.

Enrollment Management is a comprehensive process designed to help achieve and maintain optimum enrollment (recruitment, retention, graduation rates). It is an institution wide process that permeates virtually every aspect of the College's function and culture.

The Facilities Planning Advisory Committee is actually a sub-committee of the College Council Committee. Their objective is for campus facilities & grounds to be kept updated, safe and clean to serve students. This sub-committee membership charge include being responsible to review and respond to facility and infrastructure recommendations submitted by any interested party. The District Office Representative(s) report to this committee any and all projects - completed and ongoing - involving the campus including.

The purpose of the flexible calendar program (Flex) is to provide time for faculty to participate in developement activities realted to "student, and instructional improvement" (title 5, section 55720).  Flex is a component of the staff development program with an emphasis on three main areas: a) staff improvement, b) student improvement, c) instructional improvement (title 5 section 55722)

The purpose of the Grant Oversight Sub-Committee, a sub-committee of College Council (CC) is to identify the needs of the college and match those needs to available grants. In addition, the Sub-committee will ensure that the college has the resources available that are necessary to manage grants in the event they are awarded. The sub-committee will scrutinize closely the feasibility of sustaining and/or institutionalizing grant activities. 

Using the framework of Guided Pathways and pursuing goals outlined in the CCC Chancellor’s Vision for Success, the Guided Pathways sub-committee of College Council will use a monthly review-plan-and-action cycle to develop and implement strategies that promote student success and equity in all phases of the student journey at Porterville College. Under an Administration-and-Faculty Co-Chair structure, representatives from key areas across the college will support teams that represent each of our Academic and Career Pathways as they promote opportunities for learning through the college and within our community and service area, identify and remove barriers to student success and equity, promote effective teaching-and- learning strategies, and help ensure successful graduation, transfer, and workforce entry goals. The Guided Pathways sub- committee will serve as a hub in these matters for the college, for which communication from its representatives back to their respective areas will be a necessary prerequisite for successful campus implementation of its recommendations.

IT Committee initiates, coordinates, reviews and recommends campus-wide technology-related policies, procedures, and purchasing plans. 

The Outcomes Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Senate. The committee is composed of volunteers from each division for peer discussion of the implementation of the Outcome Assessment Cycle as it applies to courses, programs, and services across campus.

This committee develops and coordinates marketing and outreach activites which promote programs.  The objective of the committee is to improve the efficiency of college-wide marketing and outreach strategies.  


This team provides a port of entry for communication regarding safety and security on campus.

To apportion funds available for student scholarships and select recipients of scholarships and awards.

The general charge of the Social Justice Action Committee is to examine past and present processes, procedures, and everyday interactions impacting students. Through this examination the committee is responsible for identifying and addressing current and historical injustices with the end goal of developing the institutional culture.

A sub-committee of College Council. Strategic planning is defined as a continuous and systematic process where decisions are made about intended future outcomes, how outcomes are to be accomplished, and how success is measured and evaluated.


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