1. Review recommendations from the various constituents, administration, academic senate, classified staff, and students and forward a recommendation to the President.
2. Recommend to the Academic Senate changes in campus-wide philosophy and missions statements, and the goals and
objectives of Porterville College to the President.
3. Develop, monitor, review, and recommend campus-wide research processes, measures, and results; and campus-wide educational planning processes.
4. Analyze all planning processes and actions of any impacts upon, and relationship to, the Porterville College Institutional Plans to the President.
5. Establish fiscal priorities for the College, serve as a fact-finding body for budgetary priorities, and make recommendation to the College President for both short-term and long-term budgetary needs.
6. Serve as communication liaison with other staff and students to relate rationale for budgetary decisions.
7. Review budget recommendations from the Budget Subcommittee and make recommendations to the President for additions and/or deletions to balance budget.
8. Collect and review recommendations from the Enrollment Management Subcommittee, Budget Subcommittee, and Strategic Planning Subcommittee to make a recommendation to CC for final recommendations to the College President.
9. Review and recommend to the president hiring priorities, utilizing the formal process, as they relate to the Educational Master Plan.
10. Review campus research and research needs as a basis for implementing program review, assessment, and planning processes.
11. Review and recommend divisional structures and reorganization plans to the President.
12. Review and recommend to the President facility requirements and needs.
13. Review and recommend any comprehensive enrollment management strategies and plans, including student recruitment, registration processes, and scheduling to the President.
14. Review and remain current on laws and legislation affecting educational programs and instruction.
President (**ex officio) 1
Vice President, Academic Affairs 1
Vice President, Student Services 1
Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services 1
Deans 3
* Division Chairs 9
Academic Senate President 1
Academic Senate President Elect (ex officio) 1
* Director, Enrollment Services 1
* Director, Student Services 1
* Director, Financial Aid 1
* Director, Equity and Educational Services 1
* Director, Student Programs & Athletics 1
* Director, Maintenance & Operations 1
* Director, Information Technology 1
* Coordinator, Disability Resource Center 1
Institutional Researcher 1
* Manager, Human Resources (**ex officio) 1
Reference Librarian 1
* Adjunct Faculty Representative 1
* CCA Campus Chair 1
* CCA Campus Representative 1
* CSEA President 1
* CSEA Vice President 1
* ASPC President 1
* ASPC Vice President 1
* or designee
** ex officio (Non-voting member)
Total Membership 36
President (ex officio, non-voting) Dr. Claudia Habib
Vice President, Instruction Dr. Thad Russell
Vice President, Student Services Primavera Monarrez
Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services Maria Battisti
Dean, Instruction Michelle Miller-Galaz
Dean, Instruction Osvaldo Del Valle
Dean, Student Services Erin Wingfield
Associate Dean, Health Careers Kim Behrens
* Director, Financial Aid Tiffany Haynes
* Director, Equity and Educational Services (vacant)
* Director, Student Services Frank Ramirez
* Director, Student Programs & Athletics Joe Cascio
* Director, Information Technology (vacant)
* Director, Maintenance & Operations Fernando Jimenez
* Manager, Human Resources (ex officio, non-voting) (vacant)
* Program Manager, Safety & Security (guest, non-voting) Cameron Anderson
* Coordinator, Disability Resource Center (vacant)
Institutional Researcher Michael Carley
Academic Senate President Rebecca Baird
Academic Senate President Elect (ex officio, non-voting) (vacant)
* Division Chair
Career & Technical Education Stephanie Cortez
Fine and Applied Arts Ethan Hartsell
Health Careers Elizabeth Keele
Kinesiology Vickie Dugan
Language Arts Melissa Long
Natural Science Kendra Haney
Mathematics Ian Onizuka
Social Science Matt Flummer
Student Services Stephanie Olmedo-Hinde
* Coordinator, Outcomes (guest, non-voting) Melissa Long
Reference Librarian Chris Ebert
* Adjunct Faculty Representative
* CCA Campus Chair Jeff Keele
* CCA Campus Representative Rebecca Baird
* CSEA President Shauna Williams
* CSEA Vice President Christina Tristao
* ASPC President aspcpres@portervillecollege edu
* ASPC Vice President aspcvp@portervillecollege edu
* or designee
Co-Chair (Administration) Dr. Thad Russell
Co-Chair (Faculty) Kendra Haney
Co-Chair (Classified) Shauna Williams
Secretary Kristen Plunk
April 15, 2024
4/15/24 CC Agenda
4/15/24 CC Minutes
240411 PC FMP Draft Reduced
Institutional Innovation and Effectiveness 4-24
Student Life Program Review 2023-2024
Subcommittee Reports 4-15-24
April 1, 2024
4/1/24 CC Agenda
4/1/24 CC Minutes
Subcommittee Reports
March 4, 2024
3/4/24 Agenda
3/4/24 Minutes
College Council Presentation
Subcommittee Reports 3/4/24
February 5, 2024
2/5/24 Agenda
2/5/24 Minutes
November 20, 2023
11/20/23 Agenda
11/20/23 Minutes
November 6, 2023
11/6/23 Agenda
11/6/23 Minutes
October 16, 2023
10/16/23 Agenda
10/16/23 Minutes
October 2, 2023
10/2/23 Agenda
10/2/23 Minutes
September 18, 2023
9/18/23 Agenda
9/18/23 Minutes
August 21, 2023
8/21/23 Agenda
8/21/23 Minutes
Porterville College EMP Final Draft 8 7 2023
May 1st, 2023
Supporting Documents:
You can access the committee's other documents here: College Council Document Cloud Storage.